Community Living Support (CLS) in Kentucky 

1.Program Definition and Services 

Community Living Support (CLS) is a service provided under the Michelle P. Waiver program in Kentucky. It facilitates independence and promotes integration into the community for participants living in their own homes or their family's homes. Services include: 

  • One-on-one support to accomplish tasks and increase independence 
  • Assistance with routine household tasks and maintenance 
  • Support with activities of daily living and personal hygiene 
  • Help with shopping and money management 
  • Medication management assistance 
  • Support for socialization and community participation 


2. Regulations 

CLS is governed by Kentucky Administrative Regulations, specifically 907 KAR 12:010 - New Supports for Community Living Waiver Service and Coverage Policies. 


3. Licensing or Certification 

No specific licensing or certification requirements are mentioned for CLS providers in the available results. 


4. Responsible State Agency 

The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Medicaid Services oversees the CLS program. 


5. Application Process 

Individuals interested in CLS should contact their local Community Mental Health Center or visit the Supports for Community Living website to obtain a MAP 620 application form. 


6. Required Documentation

While not explicitly stated, providers likely need to submit: 

  • Completed MAP 620 application 
  • Documentation of intellectual or developmental disability 
  • Proof of Medicaid eligibility 


7. Timeline for Approval 

The exact timeline for approval is not specified by the State. However, there is an extensive waiting list for services. 


8. Pre-Application Process 

Individuals must first complete the MAP 620 application and provide requested documentation to be added to the waiting list. 


9. Pre-Application Training 

No specific pre-application training is mentioned in the available results. 


10. Additional Notes 

  • CLS is person-centered and goal driven. 
  • Services cannot take place at an Adult Day Training (ADT) site. 
  • CLS must be provided on a one-to-one basis. 
  • The service aims to reduce reliance on formal supports and emphasize the development of personal social networks and relationships. 
  • As of March 2025, there is still a significant waiting list for services, with individuals placed on one of three levels: emergency, urgent, or future planning.


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