Supported Employment Services in Idaho 

1.Program Definition and Services 

Supported Employment Services in Idaho are designed to assist individuals with developmental disabilities in obtaining and maintaining competitive employment in integrated community settings. These services aim to enable participants to exercise self-determination, be independent, productive, and integrated into all facets of community life 

Services provided under this program include: 

  • Job readiness training and interview preparation 
  • Job placement assistance 
  • On-the-job training and workplace assistance
  • Long-term job coaching and support 
  • Benefits planning 
  • Transportation services related to employment 


2. Regulations 

Supported Employment Services are governed by Idaho Code Section 67-6702 and are part of the Extended Employment Services (EES) program 


3. Licensing or Certification 

The provided results do not explicitly mention a specific license or certification requirement for Supported Employment service providers in Idaho. 


4. Responsible State Agency 

The Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation is responsible for referring individuals to the Extended Employment Services program, which includes Supported Employment 


5. Application Process 

While the available results do not provide detailed information on the application process, providers interested in offering Supported Employment services should contact the Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation for specific application instructions. 


6. Required Documentation 

The provided results do not provide a comprehensive list of required documents. However, providers likely need to demonstrate their ability to deliver the specified services and meet program requirements. 


7. Timeline for Approval 

The available results do not specify a timeline for approval to become a Supported Employment service provider in Idaho. 


8. Pre-Application Process 

There is no specific pre-application process mentioned in the available results for Supported Employment providers in Idaho. 


9. Pre-Application Training 

The available results do not mention any mandatory pre-application training for Supported Employment providers in Idaho. 


10. Additional Notes 

  • Supported Employment services are available through various programs, including the Developmental Disabilities Home and Community Based Services waiver and the Extended Employment Services program 
  • Services are individualized and focus on the participant's interests, abilities, and career goals 
  • Providers work closely with employers to ensure successful job placements and ongoing support 
  • Supported Employment aims to help individuals transition from more restrictive work settings to integrated community employment 
  • As of 2025, there is an increasing emphasis on community-based employment opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities 


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