Supported Employment in Arkansas 

1. Program Definition and Services 

Supported Employment in Arkansas is an individualized program of services within the Federal-State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program. It provides assistance to individuals with the most significant disabilities, including youth, to achieve competitive integrated employment. Services include: 

  • Job placement in integrated settings 
  • Ongoing support services 
  • Extended services for youth under 25 for up to 4 years 


2. Regulations 

The program is governed by Arkansas Administrative Code 016.10.2-9.1.2 and follows federal regulations under 34 C.F.R. § 361. 


3. Licensing or Certification 

Providers must be approved by Arkansas Rehabilitation Services (ARS) to furnish supported employment services. 


4. Responsible State Agency 

Arkansas Rehabilitation Services (ARS), a division of the Arkansas Department of Commerce, oversees the progra


5. Application Process 

Providers must complete an application process through ARS. Specific details on the online or mail-in process are not available. 


6. Required Documentation 

While not exhaustively listed, required documentation likely includes: 

  • Proof of qualifications and certifications 
  • Program descriptions and service delivery plans 
  • Compliance with ARS policies and procedures 


7. Timeline for Approval 

The exact timeline is not specified. However, ARS has 60 days to determine eligibility for individuals applying for services. 


8. Pre-Application Process 

Interested providers should contact ARS for initial guidance on becoming a supported employment service provider. 


9. Pre-Application Training 

While not explicitly mentioned, providers must demonstrate understanding of and ability to provide supported employment services. 


10. Additional Notes 

  • Supported employment services can be provided for up to 24 months after job placement. 
  • Half of the state's supported employment allotment must be reserved for youth with the most significant disabilities. 
  • The state must provide a 10% match for funds used for youth services. 
  • Administrative costs are limited to 2.5% of the supported employment allotment. 


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