1. Program Definition and Services
Meal & Nutrition Services in Connecticut provide nutritious meals and snacks to students through various programs, including:
- National School Lunch Program
- School Breakfast Program
- After School Snack Program
- Special Milk Program
- These programs aim to promote healthy eating habits and provide access to nutritious food for students.
2. Regulations
Meal & Nutrition Services are governed by:
- Sections 10-215b, 10-215e, and 10-215f of the Connecticut General Statutes
- Sections 19-13-D66 to 19-13-D79 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies
3. Licensing or Certification
Schools participating in these programs must certify annually that they will follow the Connecticut Nutrition Standards for all foods sold to students separately from reimbursable meals
4. Responsible State Agency
The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) oversees Meal & Nutrition Services in schools
5. Application Process
Schools must complete the Healthy Food Certification Statement – Addendum to Agreement for Child Nutrition Programs (ED-099) annually and submit it to the CSDE by July 1 of each year
6. Required Documentation
Schools must provide:
- Completed certification statement
- Evidence of compliance with Connecticut Nutrition Standards
- Health inspection reports with a score of 90 or above
7. Timeline for Approval
Specific timelines are not provided in the available information. Contact the CSDE for details on the approval process.
8. Pre-Application Process
There is no specific pre-application process mentioned, but schools should ensure they meet all regulatory requirements before applying.
9. Pre-Application Training
No pre-application training is specified, but schools must ensure staff meet training requirements set by state regulations.
10. Additional Notes
- Schools that implement healthy food certification receive an additional 10 cents per lunch served
- The Connecticut Nutrition Standards apply to all a la carte foods offered for sale to students at all times, in all schools, and from all sources
- Schools must make available nutritious and low-fat foods for purchase by students
- As of February 2025, Connecticut continues to emphasize the importance of healthy food options in schools and compliance with nutrition standards.
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