1.Program Definition and Services
Home Modification Services in Indiana are defined as changes made to adapt a living space to meet the needs of individuals with physical limitations so they can continue to live independently and safely. Services include:
- Adaptive door openers and locks
- Bathroom modifications
- Home control units
- Kitchen modifications
- Home safety devices
- Ramps
- Vertical lift or stair lift
- Widening doorways
2. Regulations
The program is governed by:
- Indiana Administrative Code 460 IAC 14-20
- Indiana Code § 24-5-11
3. Licensing or Certification
Providers must have applicable licensure based on the modification being completed, such as:
- Home inspector license
- Plumber license
- Architect license
- Evaluator certification
- Residential contractor's license for home modifications
4. Responsible State Agency
The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA), specifically the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services, oversees home modification services.
5. Application Process
Providers must:
- Obtain appropriate professional licensure
- Enroll with Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP)
- Apply for certification through the Division of Aging for specific waiver programs
6. Required Documentation
Providers typically need to submit:
- W-9 Tax Form/EIN
- Background checks for owner and current employees
- Liability Insurance Policy
- Secretary of State Letter
- Operations Manual including various policies and procedures
7. Timeline for Approval
The exact timeline for approval is not specified by the State.
8. Pre-Application Process
Before applying, providers should:
- Obtain necessary licenses and certifications
- Develop policies and procedures for service delivery
- Ensure compliance with state regulations and ADA standards
9. Pre-Application Training
No specific pre-application training is mandated. However, providers should be knowledgeable about:
- ADA standards for modifications
- Vocational rehabilitation requirements if providing services through VR programs
10. Additional Notes
- There is a lifetime cap of $20,000 available for home modifications and a $1,000 annual allowance for repairs
- Two bids must be gathered for any modification over $5,000
- Providers must call 811 before digging on projects where any part of the scope is outside, including ramps
- As of July 1, 2024, some providers like Koremen LLC have been accepted into the Indiana Bureau of Disabilities Services (BDS) waiver program
- Home modifications must be vocationally necessary if provided through the Vocational Rehabilitation program
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