1.Program Definition and Services
Adult Health Services in Idaho, also known as Adult Day Health, provide structured day programs for frail older persons and individuals with physical or cognitive disabilities. These services aim to offer care, supervision, social interaction, and supportive services in a protective group setting.
Services provided include:
- Individually planned care and supervision
- Social interaction opportunities
- Supportive services
- Relief and support for caregivers
- Health monitoring
- Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
2. Regulations
Adult Health Services are governed by:
- Rules Governing Senior Services Programs (for programs under the Commission on Aging)
- IDAPA - Adult DD Waiver Services
- IDAPA (for Adult Day Health providers)
3. Licensing or Certification
While there is no specific licensing requirement mentioned, providers must follow guidelines in accordance with the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) standards.
4. Responsible State Agency
The Idaho Commission on Aging and the Department of Health and Welfare oversee Adult Health Services, depending on the specific program and funding source.
5. Application Process
The application process is not explicitly outlined. However, providers interested in offering Adult Health Services should contact the relevant state agency for specific application instructions.
6. Required Documentation
While a comprehensive list is not provided, required documents likely include:
- Medicaid Provider Agreement (for Medicaid-funded services)
- Proof of compliance with CARF standards
- Staff qualification documentation
- Facility safety and health certifications
7. Timeline for Approval
The available results do not specify a timeline for approval to become an Adult Health Services provider in Idaho.
8. Pre-Application Process
There is no specific pre-application process mentioned by the state.
9. Pre-Application Training
While no mandatory pre-application training is mentioned, providers must ensure their staff meet training requirements as outlined in the Idaho provider training matrix and standards for direct care staff.
10. Additional Notes
- Services can be provided in various settings, including facilities, homes, and residential adult living facilities.
- Providers must notify the Department if services are provided in a Certified Family Home other than the participant's primary residence.
- Adult Day Health services are covered under the Medicaid Aged and Disabled (A&D) or DD waiver for eligible participants.
- As of 2025, there is an increasing emphasis on person-centered care and community-based services for older adults and individuals with disabilities.
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