1. Program Definition and Services
Transition Services in Florida are designed to help students with disabilities move from school to post-school activities. Services include:
- Instruction and related services
- Community experiences
- Employment and post-school adult living objectives
- Daily living skills training (if appropriate)
- Functional vocational evaluation
2. Regulations
Transition Services in Florida are governed by:
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004
- Florida Statutes Section 1003.5716
- Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-6.03411
3. Licensing or Certification
No specific licensing is required for transition service providers, but they must meet qualifications set by the Florida Department of Education.
4. Responsible State Agency
Multiple agencies oversee Transition Services:
- Florida Department of Education
- Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD)
- Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)
5. Application Process
Students access services through their Individualized Education Program (IEP) team at school.
6. Required Documentation
Required documents typically include:
- IEP with transition components
- Transition assessments
- Employment Transition Plan
7. Timeline for Approval
Transition planning begins at age 14 or earlier in Florida and continues until the student graduates or turns 22.
8. Pre-Application Process
There is no formal pre-application process. Transition planning is part of the IEP process.
9. Pre-Application Training
While there's no mandatory pre-application training, school staff receive training on transition planning and services.
10. Additional Notes
- Florida uses a results-oriented process focused on improving academic and functional achievement.
- Services are based on individual student needs, strengths, preferences, and interests.
- Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) are available through VR for students aged 14-21.
- Florida operates under an Employment First philosophy, prioritizing integrated employment for individuals with disabilities.
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