Respite Care Services Agency Provider in Florida

1. Program Definition and Services 

Respite care in Florida is a service that provides temporary relief to primary caregivers of individuals with disabilities or chronic illnesses. Services may include: 

  • In-home respite care 
  • Facility-based respite care 
  • Emergency respite care 


2. Regulations 

Respite care services in Florida are governed by Florida Administrative Code 59G-13.080 for Medicaid waiver programs 


3. Licensing or Certification 

Providers must be licensed as a home health agency, nurse registry, or hospice, depending on the type of respite care services offered.


4. Responsible State Agency 

The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) is responsible for licensing and certifying respite care providers 


5. Application Process 

The application process is conducted online through the AHCA licensure portal. 


6. Required Documentation 

Required documents typically include: 

  • Proof of liability insurance 
  • Background screening results for all staff 
  • Policies and procedures manual 
  • Proof of financial ability to operate


7. Timeline for Approval 

The approval process typically takes 60-90 days from the date of application submission. 


8. Pre-Application Process 

There is no specific pre-application process for respite care providers in Florida. 


9. Pre-Application Training 

While there is no mandatory pre-application training, providers must ensure staff are trained in accordance with state regulations for the type of care they will provide 


10. Additional Notes 

  • Providers must comply with Medicaid waiver requirements if serving Medicaid clients 
  • Respite care services are limited to a total of 7 days (168 hours) per calendar year for some programs 
  • Providers must have documented training and experience in pediatrics for child respite care 


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