Supported Employment in Florida 

1. Program Definition and Services 

Supported Employment in Florida is a service designed to assist individuals with the most significant disabilities in obtaining and maintaining competitive integrated employment. Services include: 

  • Job skills training at the worksite
  • Job development and placement 
  • Ongoing support services 
  • Social skills training 
  • Regular observation and supervision 


2. Regulations 

Supported Employment in Florida is governed by: 

  • Florida Administrative Code 59G-13.080 for Medicaid waiver programs 
  • Code of Federal Regulations § 361.5(53) and § 361.5(54)  


3. Licensing or Certification 

Providers must be approved by the Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) or the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD)  


4. Responsible State Agency 

The Florida Department of Education's Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) are responsible for overseeing Supported Employment services 


5. Application Process 

Providers must submit applications to VR or APD. For the pilot program in specific counties, providers must submit the Supported Employment Services Provider Request to Participate form 


6. Required Documentation 

Required documents typically include: 

  • Proof of nonprofit status under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code 
  • Contracts with eligible private schools (for pilot program)  
  • Employment Stability Plan (ESP) for APD services 


7. Timeline for Approval 

The timeline for approval varies. For APD services, the Employment Stability Plan must be completed within 30 days of receiving the client's support plan 


8. Pre-Application Process 

There is no specific pre-application process, but providers should ensure they meet all requirements before applying. 


9. Pre-Application Training 

While there's no mandatory pre-application training, providers must ensure staff are trained to deliver Supported Employment services according to state regulations. 


10. Additional Notes 

  • Supported Employment services are divided into Phase I (time-limited supports) and Phase II (long-term, ongoing supports)  
  • VR typically funds Phase I, while other agencies or sources fund Phase II 
  • Services can be provided for up to 24 months, with extensions possible under special circumstances 
  • The program promotes social integration and maximum use of a person's skills and abilities 


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