1. Program Definition and Services
Residential Habilitation Services provide care, supervision, and skills training to individuals with developmental disabilities in non-institutional settings. These services aim to support the highest level of independent living possible in an appropriate, integrated setting. Services include:
- Assistance with personal care and activities of daily living
- Medication Administration
- Adaptive skills training (e.g., independent living, communication, self-direction)
- Community inclusion support
- Social and leisure skill development
2. Regulations
The primary regulations governing Residential Habilitation Services in California are:
- California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Subchapter 21: Habilitation Services Program
- California Welfare and Institutions Code, Sections 4684.50-4684.75
3. Licensing or Certification
Providers must be licensed as a Group Home for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (GHPID) in California or a similarly licensed group home in other states.
4. Responsible State Agency
The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and the Department of Social Services (DSS) are jointly responsible for overseeing Residential Habilitation Services.
5. Application Process
The application process involves becoming a vendor with a regional center. Providers must submit a program design and meet venomization requirements.
6. Required Documentation
Required documentation includes:
- Completed venomization application
- Program design
- Facility license from the Department of Social Services
- Staff qualifications and training records
- Proof of compliance with HCBS Final Rule requirements
7. Timeline for Approval
The exact timeline for approval is not specified. However, providers should expect the process to take several months, depending on the completeness of the application and current workload of the responsible agencies.
8. Pre-Application Process
Prospective providers should review the HCBS Final Rule requirements and ensure their proposed program aligns with these standards before applying
9. Pre-Application Training
While specific pre-application training is not mentioned, providers must ensure staff are trained in accordance with licensing requirements and the needs of the individuals served.
10. Additional Notes
- Residential Habilitation Services must comply with the HCBS Final Rule, which emphasizes person-centered planning and community integration
- Services are typically provided in shared living arrangements with 4-6 residents
- Providers must ensure the residence is accessible to public transportation and emergency vehicles
- The program must support individuals in acquiring, retaining, and improving self-care, daily living, and adaptive skills
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