1. Program Definition and Services
Adult Health Transportation in Arizona provides non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services for eligible adults to access healthcare appointments and services. Services include:
- Transportation to and from medical appointments
- Wheelchair-accessible vehicles
- Stretcher transportation
- Mileage reimbursement for eligible trips
2. Regulations
Adult Health Transportation is governed by Arizona Administrative Code R9-22-211 and the AHCCCS Medical Policy Manual Chapter 310-BB.
3. Licensing or Certification
Transportation providers must be AHCCCS-registered and have a Certificate of Necessity (CON) from the Arizona Department of Health Services.
4. Responsible State Agency
The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) oversees Adult Health Transportation services.
5. Application Process
Eligible individuals can access Adult Health Transportation through their AHCCCS Complete Care plan or by contacting AHCCCS directly.
6. Required Documentation
While specific documentation requirements vary, the following may be needed:
- Proof of AHCCCS eligibility
- Medical necessity documentation
- Prior authorization for trips exceeding 100 miles one-way or round trip.
7. Timeline for Approval
Prior authorization is required for transportation by stretcher van and for medically necessary ambulance transportation initiated pursuant to a physician's direction.
8. Pre-Application Process
There is no explicit mention of a pre-application process.
9. Pre-Application Training
While specific pre-application training is not mentioned, providers must meet AHCCCS requirements and regulations.
10. Additional Notes
- NEMT is only provided for stretcher vans and ambulance transportation, subject to approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
- Prior authorization is not required for medically necessary ambulance transportation services initiated by dialing 911 or other designated emergency response systems.
- The AHCCCS Administration has established a 2-1-1 Transportation Hotline offering free transportation options to eligible individuals.
- Rural areas in Arizona face challenges in providing transportation services, especially for older adults and individuals with disabilities.
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