1. Program Definition and Services
Homemaker Service in Arizona provides assistance in the performance of routine household activities at an individual's place of residence. Services include:
- Cleaning tasks to maintain safe and sanitary living conditions
- Meal planning, food preparation, and storage
- Laundry tasks for the member's clothing, towels, and bed linens
- Light housekeeping
- Grocery shopping and running errands
2. Regulations
Homemaker Services are governed by Arizona Administrative Code R9-10-501 to 514 and the AHCCCS Medical Policy Manual Chapter 1240-A.
3. Licensing or Certification
No specific licensing or certification requirements are mentioned for Homemaker Service providers in Arizona. However, services must be provided by a Medicare Certified Home Health Agency licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services.
4. Responsible State Agency
The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) and the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) oversee Homemaker Services.
5. Application Process
Individuals can access Homemaker Services through their AHCCCS Complete Care plan or by contacting their Support Coordinator if they are Division of Developmental Disabilities members.
6. Required Documentation
While specific documentation requirements vary, the following may be needed:
- Individualized service plan
- Documentation of goals and progress
- Proof of eligibility for ALTCS or DDD services
7. Timeline for Approval
There is no specific information about the timeline for approval of Homemaker Services.
8. Pre-Application Process
There is no explicit mention of a pre-application process.
9. Pre-Application Training
While specific pre-application training is not mentioned, direct service staff must receive orientation and ongoing training.
10. Additional Notes
- Homemaker services are available only to ALTCS members who reside in their own homes.
- Members residing in alternative HCBS settings are not eligible for this service.
- The service shall not be provided when the member is hospitalized.
- Within the same day, this service shall not be provided in conjunction with Attendant Care or Home Health Aide services without special approval.
- The amount of Homemaker service provided is determined based on the home requirements for a safe and sanitary environment.
- Homemaker staff shall not provide supervision of members or personal care to the member.
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