1. Program Definition and Services
Supported Employment helps individuals with disabilities, including those with serious mental illness (SMI) and substance use disorders, find and maintain competitive employment in integrated settings. Services include:
- Job search assistance
- Job placement
- Ongoing support to retain employment
- Career exploration
2. Regulations
Supported Employment is governed by the Rehabilitation Act Amendments (Public Law 102-569) and Connecticut General Statutes Section 17a-798
3. Licensing or Certification
Providers must obtain certification from the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to deliver supported employment services
4. Responsible State Agency
Multiple agencies oversee Supported Employment in Connecticut:
- Department of Aging and Disability Services (ADS)
- Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS)
- Department of Developmental Services (DDS)
5. Application Process
Providers must apply through the relevant state agency. For DDS certification, providers receive initial certification and renew during their next Regional Provider Performance Review
6. Required Documentation
Providers must demonstrate:
- Experience in delivering employment services to the target population
- Compliance with evidence-based practices, such as the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model
- Adherence to fidelity measures for the evidence-based practice
7. Timeline for Approval
Specific timelines are not provided in the available information. Contact the relevant state agency for details.
8. Pre-Application Process
No specific pre-application process is mentioned in the provided information.
9. Pre-Application Training
Providers should be familiar with evidence-based supported employment practices, particularly the IPS model
10. Additional Notes
- Supported Employment is considered an evidence-based practice for individuals with SMI and substance use disorders
- DMHAS works closely with the IPS Employment Center at Rockville Institute to implement supported employment practices
- Bi-annual fidelity reviews are conducted to measure provider adherence to evidence-based principles and practices
- As of February 2025, Connecticut continues to expand and enhance its Supported Employment programs to serve diverse populations with disabilities.
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