Residential Habilitation Services in Connecticut 

1. Program Definition and Services 

Residential Habilitation Services provide assistance with the acquisition, retention, or improvement of skills related to activities of daily living and social and adaptive skills for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (ID/DD)  


2. Regulations 

Residential Habilitation Services are governed by Connecticut General Statutes Section 17a-227-17 


3. Licensing or Certification 

Providers must be licensed as a Group Home for a Person with an Intellectual Disability (GHPID) in Connecticut or a similarly licensed group home in other states.


4. Responsible State Agency 

The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is responsible for overseeing these services 


5. Application Process 

Providers must apply through the DDS. The application process includes demonstrating compliance with all licensing requirements and HCBS settings criteria 


6. Required Documentation 

Providers must submit: 

  • Verification of experience providing residential or respite services to the ID/DD population 
  • Evidence of certification or licensure from the jurisdiction where service was previously delivered 
  • Proof of Provider Certification and Registration (PCR) certification for each year enrolled as a waiver provider in Connecticut 


7. Timeline for Approval 

The specific timeline for approval is not provided in the available information. 


8. Pre-Application Process 

No specific pre-application process is mentioned in the provided information. 


9. Pre-Application Training 

Specialized training is required for staff working with individuals in specialized care settings, as per CT State Statutes Section 19-a562 


10. Additional Notes 

  • Providers must ensure each residence is accessible to public transportation and emergency vehicles 
  • An executed, signed, current Human Care Agreement with DDS may be required 
  • Connecticut has 69 private Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICFs/IID) operated by 14 different private providers 
  • The state is working to maximize enrollment of eligible individuals in the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver 


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