Physical Therapy (PT) services in Alabama are designed to help individuals improve mobility, manage pain, and restore function through various therapeutic techniques.
Service Description
Physical Therapy services include:
- Evaluations and diagnostic services
- Therapy services that are rehabilitative, active, and restorative
Interventions aimed at:
- Developing, improving, or restoring motor function
- Controlling postural deviations
- Providing gait training and using assistive devices
- Implementing therapeutic exercises and procedures
Provider Qualifications
Physical Therapists must:
- Be licensed by the Alabama Board of Physical Therapy
- Meet requirements in accordance with 42 CFR §440.110(a)
Physical Therapy Assistants:
- May provide services only under PT supervision
- Must be licensed by the Alabama Board of Physical Therapy
Supervision Requirements
- One-to-one on-site supervision of PT assistants at least every sixth visit
- Each supervisory visit must be documented and signed by the supervising PT
Telemedicine Allowance
As of February 2025, Alabama Medicaid continues to allow covered physical therapy to be performed via telemedicine when medically necessary. Providers should:
- Use interactive audio/video telecommunications systems
- Document the reason for utilizing telemedicine in the medical record
- Submit claims with Place of Service Code '02' for Telemedicine
Billing and Reimbursement
- Local Education Agencies can bill for PT services provided in schools
- Reimbursement is based on the Alabama Medicaid Fee Schedule
- As of April 1, 2012, reimbursement for direct medical services is settled at cost for all LEAs
Additional Notes
- PT services must be documented in the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) for school-based services
- The Alabama Board of Physical Therapy oversees licensing and regulations for physical therapists in the state
- Providers should be aware of potential changes in reimbursement policies, such as the Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction policy implemented by some insurers
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